Community-based video game design and development.

Day 9


  1. Quaternions
  2. Euler Angles
  3. Gimbal
  4. Gimbal Lock


  1. Quaternions:
    1. Identity
    2. Euler
    3. Slerp
  2. Parenting: head inside character
  3. Separation of rotation around x and y axis if using function.Rotate()
  4. Mathf.
    1. Clamp
    2. SmoothDamp
  5. Functioning POV Camera: Quaternion used
  6. Walking: forward, not axis (works)
  7. RotateAround()
  8. Sprites:
    1. Layered character of sprites

Graphics (3D and 2D)

  1. Drew a sprite

Day 10


  1. Optics: Parallax


  1. Horizontal Movement works (no acceleration; over multiple scripts)
  2. Camera: Follows player (2D, orthographic)
  3. Gravitation works (no acceleration, mass etc.)
  4. PolygonBoxCollider2D()
  5. CheckSphere()
  6. Gizmos in Unity: Definition
  7. Collision:
    1. 2D Linecast to layer successful
    2. Left/Right Wall-check without cancelling each other out
  8. Jump mechanics created (no acceleration)
  9. Background follows player


  1. Background painting in Photoshop

Day 11


  1. Minimum Bounding Box: Definition


  1. Animation:
    1. Idle state
    2. Walk left/right states (incomplete)
    3. Jump state
    4. Falling state
    5. Landing state
    6. Water default
  2. Animator:
    1. Default set to idle
    2. Animations loop when needed
    3. Transitions and triggers for Walk L/R, Jump, Falling, Landing work
  3. Animation handler that can sit() out the input when player can’t move due to animation running
  4. InstaDeath tile works temporarily
  5. Facing direction
  6. Gizmo functions:
    1. DrawRay()
    2. DrawLine()
  7. Flip sprites: Flips all animations as well
  8. Water:
    1. Collision works
    2. Reduces velocity
    3. Allows for multiple Jumps
  9. Input Monitor: knows whether player is idle or not
  10. Jump: now chargeable


  1. Different body parts and poses for the 4 animations
  2. InstaDeath tile drawn
  3. Water tile drawn

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